
Docs to Markdown

What is Docs to Markdown


How to use it

When you are working on your Google document.

  • Step 1: Go to “ Additional modules” at the top middle of your document and click on it.

  • Step 2 : Go on “Docs to Markdown”.

  • Step 3 : Click on “Convert”.

  • Step 4 : On the right of your screen. Now there is a side box with 3 icons.

  • Step 5 : Be sure to check “Demote heading (Demote headings (H1 → H2, etc.)” to avoid future errors. Then click on the blue Markdown icon, then automatically your document will be copied to your clipboard. And in the box further down, there will be a confirmation message saying that your document has been converted with succes.

  • Step 6 : Now just copy it where you want.