Config Admin

Config Admin Project

Like ticket project, this project uses Components and CRUD projects as libraries, it is a specific project for config admin. Each interface is presented in pages folder and these pages uses a generated template, in crud_config, by CRUD Generator project

So, in each project we find the version worked with in package.json.


The subject of this project related to Tenant concept, base on names and relations of entities we can undersatand the main idea.
This project depends of 2 libraries : Component library and CRUD library , so to make some correction in project of the existing function we have to do it in one of the libraries.

Project Architecture

Generale Architecture

Details of Architecture

In this part lets see the folder more detailed :

  • public : in this folder we found the images of the project.

  • src : all the principale files of the project, and are :
  • crud_config : folder that containes the generated files for each entity.

  • pages : containes pages list and dashboard, on each page Theres :
  • index.tsx : for listing page.

  • new.tsx : for create page.

  • index.tsx : for show page.

  • edit.tsx : for edit page.

Then with src and public level we found also :

  • styles : containes the generale styling.
  • utils : containes generale types, constants and locales for translation.
  • tests : for testing functions.

References (Links)

dev link : (opens in a new tab)
Github URL : (opens in a new tab)