Key value store (KVS)
KVS stands for Key Value Store and it's a way to store data following a key-value structure
Structure of a KVS
For the different projects, to standardize the KVS, the IDs of fields (setted with pfqcn) will be used as keys of KVS to become more precise, facilitate and standardize the KVS structures.
- key : id of the field + . + action
- Example:
"id": 3,
"key": "",
"value": "1",
"description": "Hide/Show the delivery date input (0) to hide (1) to show"
Example of usage in app
Because they aren't often updated, it's better to store them in localstorage
In your hooks (Eg. GetKVS)
- Create a function to get the list of user specific KVS
- Get the list of KVS from localstorage
- If there is no KVS in localstorage, get the list KVS of the specific user from API
Link :
Example :
const GetKVS = async () => {
let kvs: KVS[] = [];
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && localStorage.kvs) {
kvs = JSON.parse(localStorage.kvs);
if (!kvs || kvs.length === 0) {
kvs = await fetchKVS();
localStorage.kvs = JSON.stringify(kvs);
return kvs;
In your component
- Get that KVS list
Example :
const kvsArray = await GetKVS();
- Get the KVS value that you need
Example :
const showDeliveryKVS = kvsArray?.find(
(kvs) =>
kvs.key === pfqcn_phprpos_posBundle_demo_informationForm_deliveryDate_field + "." + show
- Use that value to restrict what you need to restrict
Example :
{showDeliveryKVS === "1" && (
<div> Delivery date </div>